Saturday, March 21, 2009


It amazes me how much can change in the course of a week. Things have been happening so quickly that I haven't had time to think about anything...maybe that is a good thing. Let me elaborate...

My last entry was spawned by another unfortunate epsiode with the opposite sex and the culmination of an on going depression that I have only recently decided to acknowledge. Yes, I said depression but things are looking up (and I'm seeing a therapist next weekend). On Thursday I was sitting at work and the AC decided to stop working. Granted, it isn't very hot outside right now but when there are more than 10 people in the store it feels like an inferno so it's nice to have a little bit of air flow. Later that day I was informed that there was no malfunction with the AC. It was simply shut off because my boss neglected to pay the bill. So, I said to myself "Seriously, what else can go wrong right now?" It got worse. As I sat in a pool of my own sweat and tried to fan myself with whatever mail was lying around I was greeted by an older man with a stern look on his face. He looked at me and said "hi, can you please give Lois a call for me?" I agreed and while the phone was ringing I looking at the polo he was wearing. The logo on his left shoulder said "Commercial Sign" and then it all made sense. The store has been open since August and our signs outside and inside the store have been complete since October. Lois owes them more than $6,000 and has yet to even contact them about any sort of payment. They are really nice guys with families to feed and my boss has chosen to avoid them altogether. She answered the phone and when I told her who wanted to speak to her there was dead silence on the other end followed by "tell him I'm...ummm...(silence) middle of.....ummm...something and I'll give him a call later" She quickly hung up the phone before I could even relay the message to Bruce (the sign fellow).

I put the phone down, gave him a knowing look and told him that she was "in the middle of something". He rolled his eyes and gave me 2 different numbers that she can call. We talked for awhile and I apologized for Lois' actions even though it's not my fault in the least. I also told him that my last paycheck bounced. this is a true story, folks. I had to wait 3 days to get fully paid back in cash. Bruce and I had a decent talk and I felt really bad for the guy. Everyone is hurting for money right now and Lois' irresponsibility is causing his situation to be worse. We said our goodbyes and right as he was walking out he said "oh yeah, tell her that if she doesn't call us by monday you won't have any signs outside your store anymore." Hell yeah Bruce! Stick it to the man!

I continued my hellacious shift at work with my blood boiling and sweat pouring down my face. How dare she lie to me again! I am a really nice person and don't deserve to be treated that way! Also, you shouldn't lie to a person who has basically hit rock bottom and is sending herself into therapy. I'm a little fragile right now. I cried behind the cash register and literally felt like there was no end to this ridiculous-ness that has taken over my life. Before I let any customers see tears streaming down my face I sent a few text messages to friends to make me feel better. One of my best friends, Aubony, served as a guiding light for me without even knowing it.

I believe I sent her a message saying something about my terrible job and how I wish that life didn't suck anymore. She responded with a similar message saying that she had to work an 11 hr shift because her assistant manager decided not to show up. Ironically, I received this message as I was browsing the classifieds. After my shift was over, I went to visit my poor, tired friend at her place of work...which is Claire's by the way. I failed to mention that. She told me that they were, inevitably, looking for a new assistant manager. On a whim, I applied. By that evening I set up an interview for the following day. Yesterday, I went in for the interview was guaranteed my same pay plus benefits and set hours. Paid vacation, paid holidays, health insurance! I haven't had health insurance in a year and half. All of this sounded pretty awesome and I get to work with Aubony which is always wonderful. So, this morning I got up enough courage to call my current employer and tell her to shove it. Of course, I didn't phrase it like that. I was perfectly nice and she was pretty cool with me, oddly enough. I failed to mention the new job. I just told her everything else that is going on in my life and said I needed some down time to recharge my battery. this is all true but I have a feeling that there will be some bad blood once she finds out that I will be working down the hall from her store...oops.

Needless to say, these last few days have been a whirlwind of craziness. I don't know if working in another retail store will be good for me but anything is better than the things that I have been dealing with right now. I guess I'm not moving back least for the time being. All I can say is that life has a really weird way of working out. I don't think I should make plans anymore because, obviously, this all wasn't part of the plan. I feel better and I guess, right now, that is all that matters.

P.S. I now have black hair. I was in need of change and boy, did things change. I still can't decide if I like it

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Throwing in the Towel

"Paradise is not found in your surroundings. It is found in those who surround you" I got this quote a few years ago from an amazing english teacher who wore bright haiwaiian shorts everyday, even in the dead of winter. We were reading the book "Frankenstein" and discussing romanticism. Dr. Frankenstein was a romantic who traveled to distant places to find some sort of peace within himself. What he didn't realize was that the paradise he was seeking was right in front of his face. 

Right now I feel like that is case with me. I keep telling myself that as soon as I move things will be different and I will somehow regain my sanity and drive. I've been convinced that I can travel to distant places by myself and that is how I will find true happiness. What I'm failing to see is that paradise and happiness is all around me. It's in the faces of my friends, the way that my students laugh at my horrible piano playing, the way my sisters deal with my crazy phone calls at 2 am after my heart has been broken for the millionth time. That is true paradise and I wish that I could bottle it up and take a big drink when I'm feeling like I am today.

I can't seem to settle the storm inside of my head. Some days I feel wonderful other days I feel like I've been hit by a truck. I am literally at the end of my rope. I can't seem to find any sort of inner peace and until I do I will be unhappy no matter where I live. I don't know who I am anymore and I'm starting to believe that I never will again. At the end of the day I crawl into bed alone and lonely and I feel like something is missing. 

There's an emptiness inside of me that, at times, seems to burn. My life has been so out of control lately and I don't have anyone that will just hold me and let me cry and tell me that everything will be ok. I've been a strong single woman for a very long time and I want someone to help lighten the load so to speak. I keep thinking that there must be something wrong with me because I've almost had happy relationships and then something goes wrong. I realize there is some sort of master plan for all of this but I need some kind of answer before I go completely crazy. 

I want the world to leave me alone for awhile and just let me sleep. I really want a day off but there is no one who can work for me. I may not be physically sick but I have a bad case of mental and emotion pnemonia. 

Alright, I'm done for now. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Seeking Solace in the Small Things

Hello hello!
I haven't updated this blog in awhile and, to be honest, it's because I got tired of repeating the "sob" story of my life. Wallowing in your self pity gets old after awhile. 

I am happy to report that I am doing better. I still feel utterly lost but I've come to terms with that and I'm trying to make the most of my directionless life. I've spent too many hours alone in my bedroom thinking about ways that my life can be better. Regardless of everything I've been going through I still have a great life with a wonderful family and phenomenal friends who accept me through it all. I need to remember that each time I feel like my life is horrible. I still have a job (even though I hate it), I still have a roof over my head and I'm not hurting for money. A lot of people don't have that luxury especially right now with the wretched economy. I'm lucky and shouldn't take that for granted. *jumps off soapbox*

Life has been a bit boring recently. I haven't had a lot going on and I'm beginning to think that that is ok. I spent my weekend with my family in Lindsborg and brought a few Hays friends with me. We all had a great time. I don't think I've laughed that much in a really long time. I needed that mini vacation so that I can tackle the next 3 weeks. I have to work everyone else's hours because 3 of the 5 people I work with are going on vacation. It all doesn't seem fair but I will get my vacation soon. In less than 2 months I will be on a plane to New York City for some rest and relaxation with some of my favorite people. I've been writing down all of the things that I want to do when I return to the city and each time I read it I get more excited...and impatient. I need to take things one day at a time though because there are lots of things that I have to do before I head out of state.

Even though I have taken a break from vocal lessons, my professor is having me sing in a recital at the beginning of April. The composer of our opera will be showcasing some of his songs and he will also be playing the piano for me. I'm excited to start singing again because my time away has really made me realize that I was meant to be a singer for the rest of my life. The day after the recital I will be portraying Barbra Streisand in a dinner theater with the Heartland community theater. I'm going to be singing "Don't Rain on my Parade" and "People". I'm not a huge Babs fan but it will be nice to be onstage again. I'm a little stressed because these two very different performances are basically back to back and I hope they don't conflict with each other. I have to iron out all of the details this week.

My goal this week is to be as productive as possible. Granted, I will be working a lot but I also want to start packing up my things and getting everything together so that moving won't be stressful. I realize it's a little early to be packing because I'm not moving for another month and a half but I don't want to procrastinate either. We'll see if I am actually as productive as I would like to be.

well, with that said I'm going to continue filling my last 4 hours at retail therapy. Happy Tuesday!