Monday, February 16, 2009

The Aftermath

Well, I survived Valentine's day. I took on the day with a big bag of chocolate and a bottle of wine. I guess it was my way of numbing myself. I know that sounds terrible but, in a way, it's true. I spent my evening with two of my best friends and we talked and watched old horror films together. It was a great way to end the worst holiday of the year. My friends are fantastic and I'm really going to miss them when I move. I had to work in the evening on Valentine's day so I spent my morning/afternoon making a video for one of my best friends in New York. She's a little bummed right now and I wanted to do something for her even though I'm so far away. I filmed different places around Hays that have some meaning to the both of us. Overall, the video turned out really nice. I was very pleased with myself. I hope to make more videos for friends in the future.

I bought my juicer the other day and it's not as amazing as I thought it would be. I almost used an entire package of blueberries, about 9 strawberries and almost a whole bag of carrots to get a little under 12 oz of juice. I decided to bring some homemade juice to work for lunch and barely got through 1/4 of it when I felt like I was going to puke. Needless to say I poured the rest of it out and I haven't tried to use the juicer since. I'm hoping that I can get things together and make the most of my purchase.

Other than the juicing shenanigans I don't have a lot going on right now. I am planning another trip to NYC at the beginning of May. I decided that I want to put my tax return to some good use so I'm booking my tickets later this week. I think it will be good for me to go back to the city and see if I really want to move there. I also miss my friends that live there. I'm hoping that I find my drive once again once I go back to the city. I've been walking around like a passionless zombie recently and I don't really know what makes me happy anymore. I want to feel like myself again.

Well, I think I'm going to end this entry now and figure out something else to do with my remaining 4 1/2 hrs of work.


1 comment:

Lisa said...

Maybe you should get a blender? Our Vita-Mix makes things juicy that you wouldn't normally think would be juicy, and you get to use ALL of the fruit/veggie which makes quite a bit. A Vita-Mix is kind of expensive but there may be other blenders out there that might do the same thing if you're interested.